Sunday, May 22, 2011

my target....

i dun want a new handphone.....i dun want a mp3 or mp4 or watsoever...i want a camera- nikon coolpix S80....hehehehehhe

Sunday, October 3, 2010

its my life!

my life as internship student and as a worker at IPP have no different..i do the same work..i go to d same office..i work with d same happy working there..but sumtime i feel like i wanna try a new environment..i realy wanted to try tissue culture work...get bored of doing bacteriology and molecular work already.hurmm.. i really feel xpuas hati wit my boss...why is she sooooo kejam? Miss dictator... haish...others contract worker got full degree's salary..but me? she said i havent convo, so i dun have degree should pay me less....aarrrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she sooooooo KEJAM n SKEMA!!! forget bout her..

i miss my uni's they doing?r  they doing well? some of my friends are jobless..some of them working...some of them searching for opportunity to pursue master degree..i really miss the moments we gather, eat..talking...doing assignment...celebrating together...fighting.. i love n miss them so much... my schedule:
0500: wake up and get ready to work
          - prepared "bento" [lunch box]
0600: go to office
0630: arrive office, punch card..sit in front of my desk, switch on my notebook..and... watching movie while waiting for others staff to arrive...
0700: breakfast and cit cat-ing with other staffs..
0800: check if i got work to do...if no work..i have to face my notebook..
1200: lunch time
1230: online using office PC's...facebooking of cos...
1400: continue doing my own work..
1630: packing my stuff and wait for some1 to pick me up...

its my life..i have to endure it..cos i choose my own path..

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Its Sunday!

Sunday, it time to rest at home...doing nothing, laying on the bed, facing my lil' lappy..listening to music...and today, i choose Shontelle song of course...


Friday, July 23, 2010

nothing to do~~

im still in the office.waiting fo rmy brother to pick me up...hmm..
i dont know what to to,,,and suddenly i got idea to write in my this blog..

as a final year student from a private U, of cos i worried if there any jobs opportunities for me?
i already apply some jobs vacancy, but, i receive no respond yet...just be patient..
i in dilemma...i wanted to cont study to master level, but i have financial problem..i cant pay all the fees by myself..i dun have money, and i dun want to ask from my parent.
what should i do?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

activity best, tp penat...

sabtu lepas, bersamaan 17 July 2010, Jabatan Perikanan Laut Sarawak ade mengadakan Hari Promosi Ikan Keli..promosi ni dijayakan oleh cawangan IPP Bintawa...seronok tgk org mkn2 ikan keli...kalo nak tahu, org sarawak, ramai yg xmakan ikan keli..sebab ape? itu ssh nak ckp ramai ade pendapat msg2 ttg ikan keli....boleh dikatakan ssh la nak jual ikan keli ni kat, promosi ni penting utk membangunkan industri ikan keli kat sarawak...ikan keli yg dipromosikan ada species kacukan...xsure la plak species ape...mcm2 jenis recipe yg ktrg buat tuk promosi ni..ikan keli goreng, kari ikan keli, ikan keli masak lemak tempoyak, ikan keli bakar, N ikan keli masak terung asam..terung asam ni mmg popular kat sarawak..bentuk die bulat2, kaler kuning oren2...sedap kalo makan...

ini lah terung asam atau lebih dikenali sbgai terung dayak bagi org tempatan...nice colour huh? :)

sambil2 promote tu, ade la yg rajin snap2 gambr..ehehe...

ikan keli yg dh disiang...

tgh sibuk setting brg2 sebelum start masak.. :P

mule nk masak ikan keli masak ngn terung asam..

ni tgh mengoreng ikan keli..ehehe..panas tau.. :)

En. Mohammed bersama org yg dibawa khas (dr mane ntah) utk membakar ikan keli.. :)

org ramai yg datang utk mencuba masakan ikan keli, most kate SEDDDAAAPPP! :))

ni pun org yg mencube ikan keli n staff IPP.. :))

dlm masa yg same, ade gak activity lain yg diadakan....mcm hias aquarium la...jualan product perikanan la...mcm2 g....

kanak2 tgh buat ape tu? ermm

 dorg tgh sibuk hias aquarium... :))

jualan ikan terubuk masin..

ikan terubuk masin..nyum nyumm...

yang ni suman udang..main ingredients die tepung sago dan udang..dibakar smpi masak... leh makan cmtu je, ataupun makan ngn nasi...

TQ to IPP sbb bg kitrg student internship utk libatkan diri lam activity ni... :))

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

masa utk membuat analisa kualiti air...

wah..tgk entri aku nih cam msh hebat la aku mentranslet bhs omputih ke b.melayu...water quality analysis @ dlm bhs melayu nya, analisa kualiti air...hahha...xde la susah mane nak traslet ke BM..dulu masa buat abstrak BM utk thesis, siap gune google traslet lagi..pastu kena reject ngn examiner...hahaa..mane xnye, ayat mcm ape translate dr google..

ok..back to our topic...
water quality analysis is really important...dlm lab IPP ni, air yg biasa menjadi sample, air sungai...sbb kite kena tahu pasal kandungan air sungai tu, utk memastikan air tu selamat digunakan oleh manusia ataupun hidupan dlm air sungai tu...byk lagi kepentingan analisa kualiti air la nah sendiri ye gune google...sian journal2 tu xde org nak bace.. hehe

analisa ni ktrg start buat hari isnin bersamaan 12 july 2010...sample dah diambil oleh pekerja IPP...ktrg start buat part cek TSS analysis...TSS tu stand for Total Suspended Solid...nak tgk air tu keruh ke x..pastu smbg plak buat Nutrient Analysis...utk cek kandungan ammonia, nitrate,nitrite, etc....

masa buat2 keje smpat gak ambik gambar... :P

some reagents used in Nutrient Analysis. diluted 10ml of sample with the reagent, 
then read the result using spectrophotometer. :)

ni la mechine spectrophotometer yg digunakan utk buat bacaan utk Nutrient Analysis.

ni la die sample air sungai yg dah didiluted ngn reagent..ade yg berubah colour, ade yg msh jernih je... :)

ni lak radas yg digunakan utk buat TSS set Vacuum pump...ape ntah name die..xtau la plak..ehehe....ade nye vacuum pump ni, air sungai lebih cepat difilter...kalo nak tggu die filter tanpa bantuan, huh, mau seminggu buat... :P vacuum pump ni memudahkan kerja dan tugasan.. :)

member tgh tuang sample..cmni la ktrg buat TSS analysis.. :)

yg bwh ni lak, gmbar2 disaat kebosanan buat kerje..hehehe

busy buat Nutrient Analysis than ade la org snap gmbr dr blkg..ehehe

its ME and my friend Pres.. :)

reagent small packet and ready to use.. easy right?

lab equipments...ehhehehe

my kawaii note book... :)

enjoy working with UMS's student cos they are cool! :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

my internship life!

selamat pagi....sekarang jam 9.41am...aku kat institut penyelidikan perikanan cawangan sarawak a.k.a IPPCS... dah masuk minggu ke 6 buat internship kat cni...selama 5 minggu aku habiskan masa internship kat Hatchery IPP kat Santubung...macam2 yg aku belajar kat ctu, mmg seram la nak stay ctu sorg2 je ppuan...kat ctu pekerja sume laki...kerja berat mereka tersgt la baik ngn aku...rindu lak kat dorg...ok..mulekan ngan pekerja kat Stesen Asuhan Benih Ikan Laut, santubung a.k.a SABIL...1st, En.Abdullah yg byk tolong aku culture rotifer...kira rotifer...jaga anak ikan siakap/...ajar aku cmne nak bagi makan...mcm2 yg aku xpenah belajar lam subject aquaculture for biotechnology ... En.Hamapi yg byk tlg aku..die salu bg aku artemia wpun stock artemia xbyk, die bagi gak kat aku,,,ekekeke...ade lagi encik yg salu harvest rotifer tu, xtau name lak..ehehe..die yg ajar aku harvest rotifer cmne..huhu...en. ridzuan yg ajar aku management utk ikan2...wpun jarang borak2 ngn die, tp ilmu yg die bagi tu, mmg xjumpe kat buku...En.maning yg byk ilmu ttg live feed..byk tlg aku gak pasal live feed ni...student UITM yg LI kat ctu, apis...ju..ape ntah lagi name dorg..bila aku tanye je, dorg mesti akan jwp..xlokek ngn ilmu, wpun dorg salu gelak cm ape, irritating laugh, and pakai brg2 kat dapur xreti nak cuci balik..... tp dorg baik, ramah....apis, wpun suke kacau aku buat keje, tp byk tlg aku..haha..tq so much....

sekarang turn pekerja kat hatchery IPP lak.... Iskandar a.k.a Is..wpun die budak sengal, tp die xbising kalo disuruh...haha...yg xbest, die suke membebel, suke tarik2 kerusi masa aku duduk, tumbuk aku (ko igt aku ni tmpt ko nak test penumbuk ke?) hahaha.. yg plg best, kalo Hero2 ade kat hatchery, xde lak die kacau aku..wakaka...dia lak yg kena buli ngn Hero2...tq Hero2... :P sorg g name die azlan a.k.a lan..yg byk ajar aku psl scale up mass production of Microalgae, species Nannochloropsis.. :)  kalo kat cni kan, culture algae tu dorg panggil 'air hijau'..sbb kaler die hijau,,,,wakakakakkaka....
utk Hero2....Rudy, Mia, Jenal and John....wpun korg suke merapu2...p best..pat gelak2...xstress sgt kat hatchery...hahaha...p jgn la salu sgt bagi aku makan..penat oo makan..kakaka
student2 UNIMAS..korg mmg happening n best!! UNO! :) kalo ade masa, leh jumpe g kan? 
student UM, Haspa, best kacau die, die malu2..hahaha..
Studens UMS, korg happening n kawan ngn korg..wpun korg xabis LI g..kt masih ade byk mas autk bersama g.. :)

ni some of the pict i take at Santubung....

tis pict was taken with UNIMAS n UM's student...and olso officers..